Born from the kerosene fumes and roaring sound of jet engines near the raging International airport of Holland another engine roars. 7SOD burst from the lost soils of the netherworld of tulips in 2008 with the desire to play melodic metal. Conspiring their collective passion not only through their songs, live shows and their fans but also through their approach to the music they love – Metal with no boundaries!

The passion and focus to rock the world is matched by that of their musical eagerness – this 5 barrel war machine is fully loaded. Ready or not! Fellow metal heads, musicians, critics and their fan base know that they are dead serious about their music. Working hard on live shows and rapidly increasing their amount of gigs in The Netherlands and abroad, things started taking off for the band, and it has now turned itself into a well-oiled metal machine.

Marcel Paardekoper - Vocals
Dennus Mes - Guitar
Edwin de Boer - Guitar
Yick Jun Fung - Bass
Laurens Justin Kreeft - Drums

Deze Metal Band uit Hoofddorp speelt eigen nummers.

Ze zijn te boeken als support act, maar ook voor een volledig optreden voor de grotere zalen en podia. Optredens van kleinere setjes (45 minuten) of 1 volledige set (60-90 minuten).

Voor boekingen en informatie belt of mailt u met RDL Artist Agency & Support.

© 2018 7 Steps of Denial